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Conquer Public Speaking

We know public speaking is a key skill in the development of one’s career, reputation and credibility. Discover how you can find your public speaking voice.



Client and Project Management

Designed for those who want to achieve great results and make life easier. This Safari will equip you with the necessary knowledge, skills and strategies.



Public Relations Explained

What is PR? How does it work? When and how do you use it to its potential? What does PR success look like? This course will answer these questions and more.



Digital Marketing Unravelled

Great for those asking: What digital channels will deliver my messages to my audiences? How do I use the channels, develop content and measure success?



Strategic Marketing and Communications

Perfect to understand what marketing and communications can deliver, the foundation of a communications plan and tips to implement straight away.



Crisis Communications. Plan to Survive

A crisis can impact your brand, reputation and even business survival. Find out how a crisis communications plan can mean the difference between a blip and disaster.




Building Business Reputation

A brand is what you say about yourself. Your reputation is what others say about you. There are a lot of things to consider when managing your reputation; discover the top seven lessons for businesses looking to manage their most important asset.



Award Writing for Results

Winning an award can have a significant impact on your business; attracting recognition and new business – however the key to determining if you make the cut is how you compose your award submission, how you tell your story.



Communicating your Association’s Value to Members

One of the greatest challenges all Associations face is how to communicate the value of what they offer to members and stakeholders to drive engagement. Understand and translate the value you provide to your members and stakeholders.



Working with Creatives

We work with all types of people and personalities in our working life and working with creatives is different. Your role is to interpret what the client or management want, and brief design clearly on the vision so they can bring it to life.



Understanding video and its multiple uses


Building your brand


Case Study Guide


Storyboard Template


The top 5 things your crisis comms plan needs to have


Top 7 things to include in your personal LinkedIn profile