Heavy Vehicle Industry Australia – Brisbane Truck Show

The strategy of the Brisbane Truck Show campaign focused on developing a strong, cohesive brand identity, delivering consistent and powerful messaging, enhancing the delegate experience through effective signage, fulfilling sponsorship commitments, and supporting exhibitors with customisable branded collateral. This comprehensive approach aimed to create a memorable and impactful event for all stakeholders.


  • To create a unified and impactful brand experience.
  • Develop a full brand identity around the existing Brisbane Truck Show logo that could be applied across all marketing and event materials.
  • Ensure all visual communications adhered to the newly established brand guidelines.
  • Signage needed to be easy to read and visually consistent to improve the delegate experience.
  • Ensure branding and signage effectively delivered on sponsorship contracts and maximised sponsor visibility.
  • Create easy-to-use branded collateral templates for exhibitors that could be customised for their needs.


  • Zadro started the creative process by hosting a brand development session to draw together the wisdom, experience, vision and goals of the organisation.
  • Research was conducted including competitor and industry visual and colour mapping ensuring that the extended brand developed was differentiated in the market.
  • A full suite of branding elements were developed for the extended brand as well as a full brand style guide. This was set up in Canva as a brand kit that the client could use.
  • An extensive array of collateral was developed from small MRECs, to digital signage, to the spectacular design feature on the front of the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC).


  • Powerful, consistent messaging created a unified and impactful brand experience from the branded messaging reaching the target audiences in the lead up to the event, to the impressive dramatic entry to the venue and throughout the entire show.
  • Project management by Zadro along with detailed studio management ensured all assets were delivered to spec and timelines to ensure the client could meet print and publication deadlines.
  • Zadro has been contracted for the 2025 Brisbane Truck Show.

Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) – ‘Membership that fits’ Marketing Campaign

Zadro reinvigorated the Australian Podiatry Association’s (APodA) 2024 membership campaign, building on the brand it created for 2023. Having an extensive member offering to meet a diverse range of needs, it was a priority for Zadro to showcase this breadth in a simple yet effective way.


  • To increase the number of renewals and new member sign ups
  • To segment messaging for student, graduate, new professional (1-5 years), mid-career (5+ years), established (15+ years), business owner, public health and lapsed member audiences
  • To highlight the extensive value of an APodA membership with access to numerous products and services


  • Zadro evolved the 2023 concept, expanding the tagline ‘Advance your career, connect with your peers’ to include ‘Find your membership fit’. To align with
  • podiatry, shoe boxes were decided as the campaign’s visual representation
  • The look and feel from the 2023 was maintained as it was considered strong and would still meet the needs of the 2024 campaign
  • Zadro also developed an additional element to the brand to engage each audience group, the tagline – Renew, Reconnect, Discover
    • Renew spoke to existing members
    • Reconnect reached lapsed members
    • Discover encouraged new members to join
  • Zadro worked with APodA to identify the key incentives for each audience group to ensure communications was tailored to meet their needs
  • Zadro developed an animated video highlighting the key incentives to join APodA with the shoe boxes playing a pivotal role
  • Zadro engaged members in the campaign, showcasing real member stories on the value of an APodA membership
  • Zadro facilitated a paid Facebook and Instagram advertising campaign to reach a larger audience and drive membership sign ups


  • 48 social media posts were created (post copy & images)
  • 9 enewsletters were created, targeting each member group
  • A range of promotional materials were created for the enewsletters, website, cover photos on social media and advertisements for their STRIDE magazine
  • 9 testimonials were received from members and turned into various promotional materials including enewsletters and social graphics
  • During the campaign, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn reached 292,000 users, garnered 2,581 interactions and triggered 145 new followers
  • In July 2024 – after only 4 weeks, APodA reported 81% of members compared to April 2024, including over 50 who re-joined and 20 joining for the first time meeting core objectives

Lymphoedema Association Australia – Shining a Light Media Campaign

Zadro is proud to partner with the Lymphoedema Association Australia for their annual Lymphoedema Awareness Week, ‘Shine a Light on Lymphoedema’ in March.


  • To raise awareness and understanding of Lymphoedema across the wider community
  • To increase member acquisition for Lymphoedema Association Australia
  • To establish relationships with government, health professionals and media
  • To build a stronger and more connected community between members


  • Zadro led the strategic development sessions to create the name, objectives and key messages for the awareness week, and supported in the development of tactics for the campaign
  • Zadro developed a strategy for distributing a media alert and media release highlighting the locations where landmarks would turn blue
  • Zadro developed a highly targeted media list including mass publications and media in local areas where landmarks were being turned blue (broadcast, radio, print & online)
  • A list of spokespeople in each state and territory was developed, with Zadro preparing a speaker brief to ensure all were across important information about the campaign and tips for speaking with media
  • Zadro hosted a briefing with spokespeople to answer questions and run through examples of questions


  • 15 pieces of coverage were secured across newspapers, online publications, radio and television
  • An interview was secured for a person living with Lymphoedema with Newcastle Herald and the article was syndicated across four other publications
  • Channel 7 News Townsville interviewed a person living with Lymphoedema
  • Channel 10 News Adelaide featured the blue landmarks in their nightly bulletin
  • A successful campaign that can be easily built upon year-after-year

Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) – Podiatry Week

Zadro developed a new strategy and direction for the Australian Podiatry Association’s (APodA) cornerstone annual event – Podiatry Week, formerly Foot Health Week. The campaign was re-energised with a new name, look and feel, and a renewed purpose.


  • To ensure the campaign was an awareness week with purpose that delivered real impact
  • To increase understanding of what podiatrists do amongst the public and healthcare practitioners
  • To attract new talent to the profession
  • To provide APodA members resources to promote their profession
  • To create a streamlined campaign the whole profession, including podiatrists and suppliers, could easily participate in
  • To increase engagement and followers across APodA’s social media pages (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram)


  • For the 2023 campaign, Zadro recommended a significant shift, changing from ‘Foot Health Week’ to ‘Podiatry Week’ to better encompass the wide skillset of the profession and for broader impact
  • Zadro developed a new logo and brand creating a fresh look to appeal to a wide audience
  • Zadro created the tagline, ‘Podiatry, more than you think’ to raise awareness of the many facets of podiatry
  • Zadro developed a ‘Careers Toolkit’ which incorporated a range of marketing materials including a fact sheet, flyer, posters, pull up banners, social media graphics and PowerPoint presentation with speaking notes that podiatrists can use
  • Zadro created Canva templates for members and supporters to personalise with logos and images to increase engagement with their respective audiences
  • Zadro targeted a range of consumer media covering areas such as parenting, general lifestyle, sports and health


  • 65 visual campaign assets were created including social media graphics, e-newsletter and website banners, pull up banners, fact sheet, flyers, email signature tags, videos and Zoom backgrounds
  • Zadro produced copy for 72 social media posts across Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn and reshared member posts during the week
  • 8 e-newsletters were distributed to members and non-members with an average open rate of 62.9%
  • There were 254 downloads recorded for the ‘Member Marketing Kit’. This was a 137% increase compared to an earlier campaign in 2023, and exceeded the KPI of 110 downloads
  • Zadro conducted a survey to assess the new name, brand and resources and members rated the quality of the marketing 4/5
  • 4 out of 5 respondents reported the new tagline resonated well with the profession
  • An average of 64% increase in post likes across Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn compared to Foot Health Week 2022
  • 6 media clippings were secured including an interview on 2GB radio with an APodA member

Australian Business Events Association (ABEA) – New brand, unification communications & brand launch


  • To build a brand identity befitting a new peak association, after the unification of three established organisations representing a $36 billion industry
  • To develop the brand positioning representing diverse stakeholders including government, suppliers, organisers, venues and bureaux, and focused on communicating to senior management, creative and technical people, and the larger business community of Australia
  • To ensure a futureproofed brand, able to evolve with the industry it represents, whilst remaining synonymous with its values and aims
  • To articulate and communicate the reasons and benefits of the unification to members and media via digital and social marketing and PR campaigns
  • To ensure a smooth transition across all platforms to the new brand including the website and digital and social channels
  • To develop a suite of marketing collateral items for the new brand


  • Zadro hosted a brand discovery session with key members of the project delivery group
  • Brand market research and an industry wide logo and colour analysis
  • Developed four creative concepts including colour palettes, typography, logo etc.
  • Devised the brand story and language to capture the aims and motivations of the organisation and to speak to the unification of the industry


  • The creation of a brand that truly represents the needs and voices of a diverse national industry, uniting a wide array of stakeholders at one table
  • The creation and implementation of a communication strategy with public relations, social media and advertising for launch
  • Defined the brand language and messaging including tagline, mission, vision and boilerplates
  • Creation of a logo representing the industry’s diverse stakeholders sitting together at one table. The logo’s circular and converging design reflects the collaborative nature and continual growth of the industry
  • Production of a visual identity and style guide portraying the contemporary, approachable, and professional tone of the Association.
  • Designed and built all the Association brand collateral for launch
  • Creation of marketing assets to implement the new brand including animated logo GIF, ads for digital publications, social and EDM template and videos
  • The creation and management of the brand’s social media channels, with consistent branding

AFAC23 – Media Campaign


  • To raise awareness and increase the profile of the AFAC23 Conference
  • To maximise media exposure and coverage
  • To engage exhibitors in sharing news and contributing to media coverage
  • To showcase research, findings and emerging industry trends
  • To attract a new audience
  • To engage new media publications covering niche areas relevant to the program
  • To engage the local host agencies and gain exposure for a diverse range of representatives and topics


  • Zadro closely reviewed the program identifying trending topics and possible areas of interest for media
  • Zadro developed a comprehensive media list including mass, trade and niche media. Zadro then produced custom pitches looking at topics, areas of interest and spokespeople who would be appropriate for those media
  • Zadro issued a launch media release, and embargoed press release ahead of the Seasonal Outlook press conference to attract as many media as possible on-site for the event
  • Zadro liaised with broadcast media on-site to develop unique stories and facilitate interviews with exhibitors


  • 670 pieces of coverage were secured (1,858 including syndications) – 471 online news clippings, 84 AM radio clippings, 52 TV clippings, 44 FM radio clippings, and 19 newspaper clippings
  • The Today Show broadcast live from the Conference and Exhibition
  • Zadro secured Sky News, ABC Weather, The Courier Mail, Channel 9, SBS World News, NITV, Southern Cross Australia and AAP to attend the Seasonal Outlook press conference on-site
  • 2023 achieved the highest coverage since Zadro first worked on the AFAC Conference and Exhibition in 2016

Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) – Conference Brand & Marketing


  • To create a new look and feel for the Australian Podiatry Conference 2023
  • To engage members in conference marketing and drive registrations
  • To support with securing sponsorships and exhibition bookings for the conference
  • To meet marketing requirements for sponsorship agreements


  • Zadro created a new brand and theme for the conference to reflect the focus on the future of the podiatry profession in a sophisticated manner
  • Zadro developed content calendars for both enewsletters and social media to ensure all key messages were communicated and sponsorship agreements were met from February to June
  • Zadro designed a range of visual assets to effectively communicate key messages and draw attention from key audiences


  • The theme, United for Excellence – Community, Education, Purpose, resonated well with podiatrists
  • Zadro designed the Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus
  • Members, Partners and Exhibitors were provided with marketing packs to promote their attendance/involvement with the conference
  • Zadro drafted 19 enewsletter communications promoting the conference & exhibition
  • Zadro drafted 200 social media posts for Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter
  • There were over 900 registered delegates (in-person and online) and 68 exhibitors

This was an extremely successful conference that reached its financial goals, and brought the community together nationally for the first time since 2019.

National Timber & Hardware Association (NTHA) – Branding and Merge Communications


  • To develop a new logo and brand style guide for NTHA after the merge of two established organisations: TABMA Australia and Hardware Australia
  • To articulate and communicate the reasons and benefits of the merge to members and internal stakeholders across both organisations
  • To position the new organisation as a leader of the timber and hardware industry
  • To raise awareness of NTHA and its service offerings with membership, industry stakeholders, the marketplace and trade media
  • To ensure a smooth transition across all platforms to the new brand including the website and social media channels for both organisations


  • Zadro developed three design concepts for the new logo and styles including different fonts, imagery, patterns and colour options
  • Zadro created new assets across the brand materials, signage, uniforms and digital platforms
  • Zadro launched a ‘stronger together’ / ‘vote yes’ campaign, communicating the benefits of the merge to both the timber and hardware members
  • Pre- and post-merge, Zadro created an integrated communications campaign which was disseminated across email marketing, social media and
  • the website
  • Zadro created a new ‘membership pack’ to introduce NTHA team members and communicate the benefits of membership with the new organisation and the range of services that could be accessed
  • Zadro created a series of media releases to engage the trade industry media to cover the merge with a positive sentiment


  • The ‘vote yes’ campaign was successful with TABMA Australia and Hardware Australia merging to form the National Timber & Hardware Association (NTHA)
  • Formalised a new brand architecture and style for the top level corporate NTHA brand, as well as the service offerings and separate business divisions
  • Designed more than 50 marketing content pieces and assets for the ‘vote yes’ and ‘stronger together’ campaigns over a four-week period, including a new member welcome pack
  • Successfully launched the NTHA brand including collaboration with the NTHA team to create a new website, email marketing, social media animations and posts, trade advertising and direct marketing
  • Secured 16 media pieces across all key trade industry magazines (digital and print)
  • Zadro set up the brand assets and marketing templates in Canva for use by the internal team to ensure brand consistency across all collateral created

Membes – Marketing, Communications & Design


  • To promote Membes Association Management System (AMS) to Associations via multiple channels (digital content, enewsletters, social media and advertising)
  • To raise awareness of the benefits of Associations using an AMS to support with the management of their data and other organisational needs
  • To increase the number of customers Membes obtains via marketing campaigns
  • To launch new features offered by Membes to their key audience
  • To showcase the many benefits of using the Membes system through case studies


  • Zadro created a content marketing matrix with different ideas to be rolled out over the 6-month retainer across enewsletters, blogs and social posts
  • Zadro developed a 3-month enewsletter calendar to plan content in advance
  • Each month Zadro produced monthly blog content based on relevant and trending topics for Associations
  • Zadro drafted two social posts per week and supported with the management of the Managing Director’s LinkedIn page
  • Two enewsletters are drafted and sent out each month to customers – Membes News and Community News
  • Zadro worked with advertorial partners to develop website banner ads, enewsletter ads and double page spreads
  • Zadro interviewed current customers about their experience with implementing Membes AMS and how it is achieving strong results for them for case studies
  • Zadro designs all graphics used across the marketing in accordance to the style guide requirements


  • 18 blogs drafted and published in a 6-month period
  • 8 case studies drafted and published in a 6-month period
  • 18 enewsletters distributed in a 6-month period with an average open rate of 27%
  • A distinct look and feel for the Membes brand that is easily identifiable

Australian Podiatry Association (APodA) – Fit Feet = Fit Kids


  • To create a new look and feel for the Back to School campaign
  • To educate parents and care givers on the importance of selecting the right school shoes for children
  • To raise awareness of how Podiatrists can support with selecting the right school shoes
  • To inform the public of the range of services offered by Podiatrists
  • To provide members and stakeholders with assets they could use to promote the Back to School campaign


  • Zadro developed the design concept for the campaign to be rolled out across all assets
  • Zadro developed key messages for the campaign including the tagline ‘Fit Feet = Fit Kids’ to communicate the objectives and engage the audience
  • To ensure greater efficiency in future years, Zadro templated the work so that it can be replicated in future year’s including animated videos, member marketing kits, social copy and email newsletters


  • 32 visual assets were created for the campaign for use by APodA, members and stakeholders
  • 14,400+ organic page reach across Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter during the month of the campaign
  • 5 pieces of coverage were secured in parenting publications including advertorial pieces
  • 127 new organic likes and follows across Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter during the month of the campaign