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Brand Refresh – The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists


RANZCR - Zadro Agency


  • To evolve the overarching brand of the College, including the Faculty of Clinical Radiology and Faculty of Radiation Oncology sub brands
  • To refine the brand identity, including brand story and create new visual elements along with brand guidelines
  • To define the positioning of the college and develop key messages
  • To establish a unified tone of voice
  • To define social media rules and develop guidelines
  • To create templates for ease of use, ensuring the College and Faculties were visually and tonally consistent in all internal and external communications


  • Zadro conducted an audit of the existing brand collateral and online channels to assist with determining what needed a refresh
  • Zadro facilitated a COMM*BAT™ strategic planning session to uncover insights to assist with redefining the brand elements and establishing the positioning of the College with relevant key messaging
  • Zadro designed and built relevant templates with new brand elements for the College and Faculties, to allow for variety, consistency, and longevity of use, including PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and Newsletter templates


  • A single, unified positioning of ‘Better healthcare for all’ has been adopted across the College
  • Clear and powerful key messages telling of the value the College provides its members, profession and Australian community
  • Immediate implementation of the various templates and documents, with positive feedback on how user-friendly they are to use
  • The new visuals were rolled quickly into the design of other collateral including the 2019/2020 Annual Report

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