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Are you unsure about what to say, when to say it and how to say it on your social channels? Then we’ve got you covered. We’ve compiled the answers to the questions we get asked most frequently and our top tips to help you communicate better on social media.

Which channel should we be on?

All social media channels are not created equal. To illustrate this, we’ll use one of the Zadro teams’ favourite things.

  • Facebook: I like coffee
  • LinkedIn: I am skilled in the art of coffee drinking
  • Instagram: Here’s a picture of my coffee
  • Twitter: I am drinking #coffee
  • TikTok: Watch a 15-60 second video of me making and drinking my coffee with music (I might dance or tell a joke)
  • Snapchat: Watch me drink a coffee
  • YouTube: This is me making a coffee, and now I’m drinking it
  • Some channels will be more appropriate for you than others – you want to choose the right channel(s) and the one(s) where your audience is.

What should we be posting about?

It’s best to have a plan about what content you want to post, however, you can post about almost anything, including:

  • Your team, what they’re up to and raise the profiles of team members
  • Anything new to your company e.g. Team members, equipment, innovations, etc.
  • Celebrations for the team or clients e.g. birthdays, anniversaries, professional achievements, award wins
  • Hot topics in your industry
  • Events you host
  • Partner/sponsor news – an easy value add!
  • How to guides
  • You can even pose questions or run a poll to encourage interaction

Be sure to mix up your content and do share other people’s relevant news e.g. industry news, new research or insights, fun and entertaining posts about your industry or products and services, or influencer comments or stories about your products or industry.

To increase your reach, ensure to include images and videos – all social channels value good imagery!

How frequently should we post?  

There’s no hard or fast rule here. If you don’t currently have a social media presence, start by consistently posting once a week per channel; whether you’re sharing content, posting an update or doing a live video, it’s the consistency which will make a difference.

Once you’re regularly posting once a week, gauge what’s happening, what engagement you’re seeing and then consider if you want to increase the frequency. Remember to take into consideration your resources and ability to manage your channels, even in the busy times – don’t disappear.

How should we respond to negativity?

You don’t have complete control over social media and so this may happen at some point. Respond promptly and publicly to the comment to advise you have sent them a private message and invite them to respond to that message. If the post is offensive – a good litmus test for this, is if it would make your grandmother blush – ‘hide’ the comment. Be active and monitor the comments, engage, say thank you; social is just that, it’s social so use it to create a dialogue directly with your audience.

Where do I get images from?

If you’re sharing a link, an image may already ‘pull through’ from the link you’re sharing. If not, Canva is a really great way to create social images, you can even add text to them.

How does social media help us Communicate Better?

Social media is a factor in your customers’ decision to buy from you, join your organisation, attend your events, listen to. If you’re not on social media, you may be missing out on reaching generations of people who rely on the channels for their information.

Want to know how you can Communicate Better on your social media? Ask the experienced team at Zadro how they can take your social channels to the next level. Check out our social media case study here.